Stace Shaw
Last seen: 1 year ago
Mother - Grandmother - Author - Intuitive Psychic and spiritualist Medium. "The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless". (Jean Jacque Rousseau, French Philosopher)
The Climb Step 2 - Cognitive changes
how changing mental habits helped me take control of my depression
One Days End
A poem written in the voice of a child pleaing to the adults to make time for them whilst they are young.
The climb; Step 1; Acknowledgement, Admittance and Acceptance
Part 2 of the climb, my personal journey through depression. starting with that all important first step.
The Climb; My personal journey with depression; introduction
introduction to my journey with depression; what it is my type, my symptoms and my first step to the climb.
The Meditation
Prose Poetry describing telling the story of a meditation experiance